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  • Austin Dodge

How Artificial Intelligence Revolutionized the Way We Live: A Game-Changing Innovation

Updated: Mar 4

By: Austin Dodge

2 -4 - 2024

Whether you use it or not, everyone has heard of artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT. When people think of AI, things such as cheating in school or a shortcut to writing a paper come to mind. However, AI has many positive attributes that are often overlooked. For students, AI can be an excellent tool for developing study guides, and doing tasks at an unmatched speed. It can be a creative way to remember facts. I was on social media recently and saw where someone used AI to write notes in Moira Rose's tone of speech, from Schitt's Creek. Let's just say that would be one way to make studying AP Bio more fun and enjoyable.

Despite the controversy surrounding it, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in today's society. I tend to focus on the benefits of AI as a study tool, but it has significant impact in other realms, such as healthcare. This is of particular interest to me because my father works in the healthcare industry. With machine learning algorithms and predictive analytics, healthcare professionals can now diagnose diseases more accurately and at an earlier stage. AI-driven technologies can also be used to develop treatment plans, improving patient outcomes and reducing the burden on healthcare systems. That is great news, as early detection to many illnesses is critical and could potentially be lifesaving. On the other hand, it drives my dad crazy when people use WebMD to diagnose themselves. I think AI in the hands of healthcare professionals is a good idea, but not for the average person. Can you imagine typing your symptoms into ChatGPT and it spits out a diagnosis?

Another area impacted by AI is the business sector, revolutionizing operations and decision-making processes. Businesses leverage AI for data analysis, enabling them to derive valuable insights from massive datasets. This information enhances strategic decision-making within companies. Chatbots powered by AI have transformed customer service, providing instant and personalized assistance, enhancing user experiences, and reducing response times. At first I was not so sure about the chatbots, but they are actually pretty helpful. One time my BiteSquad driver never arrived with my food, and I entered into a discussion on the BiteSquad app with a chatbot and got my meal reimbursed and a coupon for my next order. It was done quickly and efficiently. I will say that is way better than in the past when I have called and either sat on hold or got a voicemail.

AI has redefined the way we interact with technology, particularly through voice recognition and natural language processing. Virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant have become integral parts of our daily lives, simplifying tasks and increasing accessibility. I think the convenience of AI makes driving safer, because you can talk through Siri instead of texting while driving. At home I can ask Alexa to play music while I study.

Education is another sector where AI is making a profound impact. Personalized learning platforms utilize AI algorithms to adapt educational content based on individual student progress, learning styles, and preferences. This tailored approach enhances the learning experience, catering to the diverse needs of students. I think it also makes learning more fun. If you type your notes into AI and ask it to make a multiple choice quiz for you, it can handle that task much more quickly than making note cards or even a quizlet. Speaking of Quizlet, now Quizlet has an AI feature that is very useful when studying.

In conclusion, artificial intelligence has ushered in a new era of innovation and transformation across almost every aspect of our lives. From healthcare and business to daily interactions and transportation, the integration of AI has resulted in unprecedented advancements, making our lives more efficient, convenient, and interconnected. As AI continues to evolve, it has the potential to positively impact society.

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